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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju City Accepted All Specialized Businesses for Fostering Traditional Markets
Writer Local Economy Division
Subject Cheongju City Accepted All Specialized Businesses for Fostering Traditional Markets
- The City Will Invest a Total of 8 Billion Won to Develop Yuk Street Market, Pukbu Market, Seomun Market and Wonmaru Market -

In 2015, Cheongju City made a splendid achievement of selecting all the businesses applied for specializing traditional markets.
A total of 4 traditional markets and Singan-gil stores ― 1 global prestigious market, 1 culture/tourism market, and 2 alley markets - were selected as Specialized Market Foster Project supported by the Small and Medium Business Administration.
Specialized Market Foster Project is a business of promoting on of global prestigious market, culture/tourism market and back alley-typed market by combining traditional markets with local culture products, differentiate products and services and establish a support system for privately led specialization.
Accordingly, Yuk Street Market and Singan-gil stores, selected as global prestigious market, will be funded up to 5 billion won for next 3years (2.5 billion won from the central government and 2.5 billion own from the local government).
Pukbu Market was selected as culture/tourism market and thus will be supported up to 1.8 billion won for next 3years (900 million won from the central government and 900 million won from the local government). The market will be connected with local culture, tourism and the well-known local products to show off its unique characteristics as a traditional market for tourism and shopping.
Chosen as back alley market, Seomun Market and Wonmaru Market will be given up to 600 million won, respectively (300 million won from the central government and 300 million won from the local government). With the financial support, the markets will develop their unique characteristics and colors and grow into residential life-oriented special market.
The city officer said, "The city will make the best effort to help the traditional markets have competitiveness and settle down with local culture, shopping and experiential events at early stage."

▶ Information Inquiry: Market Distribution Team, Local Economy Division (☎201-1381)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2524

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