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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title International Airport 'Express Bus' Runs between Ktxosong Station ↔ Cheongju International Airport
Writer Public Transportation Division
Subject International Airport 'Express Bus' Runs between Ktxosong Station ↔ Cheongju International Airport
- Tape-Cutting Ceremonies Were Held at 14:00 In KTX Osong Station and at 15:25 in Cheongju International Airport on March The 23rd. -

Tape-cutting ceremonies were held in celebration of opening the service of 'Express Bus' at KTX Osong Station and Cheongju International Airport on March the 23rd, respectively. Express Bus was introduced by Cheongju City to activate the use of Cheongju International Airport and increase the convenience of the intra-city passengers.
Six major figures including the mayor of Cheongju City, Lee Sung Hun, the president of a city assembly, Kim Byung Kuk, Cheongju branch manager of Korea Airports Corporation, Hong Ki Hyo, KTX Osong Station stationmaster, Mun Young Seok, the vice president of Promotion Committee of Cheongju International Airport Activation, Nah Ki Jeong, the chairman of Intra-City Bus Joint Management Committee, Park Ho Young, participated in the ceremonies and declared the beginning of the express bus, 6 vehicles of which are scheduled to operate from that day.
All of 6 express buses are low floor buses and run between KTX Osong Station and Cheongju International Airport1 a total of 42 times a day, every 25 minutes. From that day, the seat buses running between Shintanjin and Cheongju International Airport were also replaced with the express buses.
After the tape-cutting ceremony, the mayor of Cheongju City, Lee Sung Hun and Cheongju branch manager of Korea Airports Corporation, Hong Ki Hyo held a business agreement ceremony with the presidents of Cheongju intra-city bus companies at the conference room of Cheongju City branch office of Korea Airports Corporation.
In the business agreement ceremony, Cheongju City committed to build new public transit lines to Cheongju International Airport and do its best for the efficient operation of public traffic lines. In the meantime, Cheongju branch of Korea Airports Corporation promised to provide convenience facilities such as the signboards necessary for bus routes and secure space for parking and turning for public transportation.
In addition, both institutions agreed to exert the best effort to activate public transportation and build up an organic cooperation between them.
As a result, the bus lines and system of Cheongju City dramatically changed from March the 23rd toward bus passengers along with the introduction of express bus.

▶ Information Inquiry: Bus Administration Team, Public Transportation Division (☎201-2865)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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