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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju Mayor Lee Seung-hun Begins His New Year Inspection Tour
Writer Self-rule Administration Department
Subject Cheongju Mayor Lee Seung-hun Begins His New Year Inspection Tour

- Mayor Lee completes the new year inspection tour in four days that lasted one to two months -

Mayor Lee Seung-hun begins his new year inspection tour by visiting gu (district) offices for four days from the 13th.

This year, by adopting joint inspection per gu rather than visiting eup, myeon, dong offices and making dialogues with residents there that usually lasts 1~2 months, he dramatically shortens inspection tour period.

This year, by adopting the joint inspection tour per gu, he plans to have opportunities to meet and have dialogue with residents in eups, myeons, dongs in the gu, and make the municipal art group perform, which will change the usually strict atmosphere of such inspection tours to warm and pleasant one.

And, it is expected that the municipal government report and the gu government reports help citizens understand policies of local governments and answer their questions on them to a great extent.

Such a drastic change of new year inspection tour style is to escape from the existing monotonous style where mayor visited divisions, departments, city companies, and gu offices, and then visited eup, myeon, and dong offices. It is designed to promote mutual communication with citizens.
According to a municipal government official, "To shorten the inspection tour period to four days is a fresh surprise. It seems to be the decision of Mayor Lee to focus more on various issues he faces such as East Asia Culture City, Cheongju International Craft Biennale, the 54th Chungbuk Provincial Sports contest, and the First Annual Festival of the Integrated City, etc.

Meanwhile, the new year inspection tour will be proceeded in the following schedules: ▶ Heungdeok-gu office on the 9th (Cheongju Art Hall) ▶ Cheongwon-gu office on the 10th (Nongwon Hall, Cheongju Agricultural High School) ▶ Seowon-gu office on the 11th (Cheongju Art Hall) ▶ Sangdang-gu office on the 13th (Cheongsim Hall, Agricultural Technology Center)

▶ Contact: Municipal Administration Team, Self-rule Administration Department (☎201-1561)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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