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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title East Asia Culture City, Citizens Are leading It
Writer Culture and arts Division
Subject East Asia Culture City, Citizens Are leading It

- On the 15th, the city Government appointed 26 citizen committee members including representatives in various areas and those in culture and arts -

The civil society volunteers for the successful promotion of the 2015 East Asia Culture City Cheongju.

The city government, on the 15th, held the Citizens Committee at the grand meeting room of the city hall, and appointed 26 citizens including Park Jong-jun, president of the Cheongju Residents Self-rule Committee, as citizen committee members.

Citizens in various areas such as cultural and artistic association, NGOs, journalism, tourism, and administration participate as members. Among them, there are Choi Chung-jin and Park Jeong-hi, members of the City Council; Jeon Eun-sun, president of the Cheongju Women Associations Commission; Moon Jeong-suk, director of the Multicultural Support Center; Moon Gil-gon, Cheongju Artists Association; Kim Yeong-beom, General Secretary of Cheongju Democratic Artists Association; Kim Gyu-won, director of Chungbuk Science, etc.

Those citizen committee members will lead the success of the project of the 2015 East Asia Culture City through activities from suggestion of programs, participation in and publicity of various events, assistance in international exchange, and volunteer activites, etc.

The city intends to actively apply ideas suggested by citizens in major programs, and develop the project into a citizen-participant and citizen-leading citizen festival.

To make the project of the 2015 East Asia Culture City a citizen-centered one, the city plans to unfold community campaigns through homepages and SNS, and get opinions of citizens, while holding Citizens Committee every quarter.

On that day, Lee Seung-hun, mayor of Cheongju, revealed that "To express the spirit and value of integration through the project of the 2015 East Asia Culture City, and to open the gate to the future, we will actively proceed with the cultural project."

On the 30th last month, the city invited Lee Eoryeong, the first Minister of Culture, as the honorary president of the Organizational Committee, and 20 other dignitaries as committee members.

The 2015 East Asia Culture City makes it possible for Cheongju, Chingdao, Nigata, cultural cities representing Korea, China and Japan to open new spaces of cultural sympathy, cultural moving, and cultural happiness by running various culture exchange projects in scholarly conferences, exhibitions, and performances.

▶ Contact: The 2015 East Asia Culture City Organizational Committee (☎201-2018)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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