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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Prepared for the Realization of 'No. 1 Economy, the Top Cheongju'
Writer Investment Attraction Department
Subject Prepared for the Realization of 'No. 1 Economy, the Top Cheongju'

- After starting as an integrated city, Cheongju attracted \907.1 billion investment
and created 1940 new jobs -

The Cheongju Municipal Government, while setting 'No. 1 Economy, the Top Cheongju' as the it goal of the sixth democratic government, makes every effort to reach its goal to attract 10 trillion won investment.

The Cheongju Municipal Government said on the 16th that, after launching as the government of an integrated city, has signed with nine companies including Stemko Inc. and Green Cross Corp. which expand facilities in the industrial complex, reaching achievements of inviting investments of 907.1 billion won in the area of 356,595㎡ and creating 1940 new jobs.

Such an achievement is the outcome of its various policies the municipal government has adopted since it launched the sixth democratically elected government to activate invitation of investments and support firms, the government analyzes.

To overcome poor conditions for inviting investments such as economic slowdown and tougher competition for such invitation, the government officials have done active and bold invitation activities like visiting promising firms, explaining some benefits the municipal governments can provide them with, and organizing the counselor for investment invitation.

And, the municipal government has made its best efforts to create jobs and increase its tax revenue by, for example, supporting local medium and small enterprises with policies to activate them and frequent meetings with local businessmen and inducing them to expand investment and find out sources for new investment.

Next year, the municipal government, based on expansion and addition of nine industrial complexes, and good infrastructure for transportation with the Cheongju International Airport and Osong Train Station, etc., plans to lead creation of good-quality jobs and export increase by targeting healthy firms of cutting-edge industries, and establishing strategies to attract their investment.

In addition, the city government plans to do its best to revitalize the local economy by strengthening support for the firms with establishment of 'the Businessmen's Day' with the revision of ordinance on business management, and continuing to promote its program to revitalize local medium and small enterprises.

"With the building of transportation network accessible from all directions, the Integrated City of Cheongju can be accessed within two hours from anywhere in Korea. So, it has excellent competitiveness for attracting investment," an official in the city government said. "By highlighting such merits, we will do our best to attract 10 trillion won investment the sixth democratically elected government purposes to achieve."

Contact: Investment Attraction Team, Investment Attraction Department (☎201-1411)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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