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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Mayor of Cheongju Lee Seunghun pledges to make the city one of the best in the world
Writer Public relations office
Subject Mayor of Cheongju Lee Seunghun pledges to make the city one of the best in the world
- The mayor makes a pledge at the New Year’s address for 2015, held on the 20th at the Cheongju City Council -

Mayor of Cheongju Lee Seunghun pledged that he would “do his best to make Cheongju not only a major city in the central region of Korea but also a city that stands out on the global scene.” At the 4th regular session of the Cheongju City Council held last 20th, Mayor Lee through his address pledged the following: ▲Creation of jobs and fostering of growth industries ▲Making a safer city ▲Sustainable urban development ▲Tailored welfare services ▲A city administration that adheres to principles.

Mayor Lee also added that “Year 2015 will be an important year where Cheongju lays the groundwork for itself to become a major city in the central region of Korea” and that he will “do his best to realizing this potential of the city by making the most of the opportunity to launch an integrated city to make Cheongju an economically strong city.” To that end, he emphasized that the city will lure corporate investment by forming a special committee and revising related local laws. Competent corporations in particular will be attracted into the Cheongju Technopolis and the 2nd Bioscience Complex in Osong, and the airline industry which is seen as a future-oriented industry, will also be fostered.
Low cost airlines headquartered in Cheongju Airport will be attracted, a cutting-edge techno valley will be created by refining the industrial structure of Cheongju 1 and 2 industrial complexes, small and medium-sized companies will be offered support, livelihood of working class people will be supported, traditional markets will be promoted and competitiveness in agricultural businesses will also be promoted.
In order to make the city a safer place to live in, facilities to prevent natural disasters will be reinforced, such as the reservoir facility at Gaesin region and the automatic blocking system for Mushimcheon. A complete measure to address heavy snow will also be implemented to minimize any inconvenience experienced by citizens due to weather.

He also noted that a comprehensive plan for balanced development will be laid out, a creative economy zone will be formed around the old KT&G site, the road between Cheongju station and Oksan will be expanded, new roads will be built between Wolo and Gadeok and the public transport system will be improved for sustainable urban regeneration and balanced development.

For more tailored welfare services, a hope-sharing project and a special helper group that makes home visits will be operated. An organization dedicated to creating employment for women will also be established. With the selection of Cheongju as a culture city of East Asia in 2015, various international cooperation projects will be implemented with major cities in Japan and China, while events such as the 2015 Cheongju International Craft Biennale, Cheongwon Life Festival and Chungbuk Province Residents’ Sports Competition will also be held to promote the status of Cheongju City. Meanwhile a multi-purpose class will be established to offer after-school classes, a comprehensive sports complex will be outsourced and a residents’ sports center and Cheongju squash court will also be promoted to be built. Mayor Lee noted that a budget of 1,962.8 billion Won has been earmarked for such projects, a 6.6% increase from last year. The budget has been set to reflect the needs of Cheongju to grow into a leading economic powerhouse under the 6th administration, with a majority of the budget allocated for balanced development and support for the livelihood of the working class.

▶Inquiry: Press release team, Public relations office(☎201-1071)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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