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Cheongju City



Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju-si, focusing on creating forest for healthy life
Writer Department of forest Forest management team
Subject - Planted 676 thousand trees on 423ha of forest this year -

Cheongju-si is trying to create forest in the city for the healthy life of the public.
First, the city is hosting tree planting program to create forest with high economic feasibility.
During last spring, with the program, the city put 2.5 billion won budget to plant 326 thousand trees such as fir, larch and wild cherry tree in 280ha of forrest.
For the coming up fall season, the city is planting 350 thousand trees such as larch and yellow poplar to 143ha of forest using 350 million won before the end of November.
Especially, the city has successfully conducted various forestation program reflecting demand of forest owner and local condition such as timber production forest to create high-economic feasibility forest, forest for conservation of water for supplement of clear water, honey source plant forest for bee farms and scenary forestation for improvement of public function.
The forestation program is a national policy which was started since 1962 as forest protection and green program to recover the bare forests due to war and fuel, and has been in progress until now.Another program that Cheongju-si is operating for the healthy life of the public is creating recreation forest.
Cheongju-si is running Okhwa Natural Recreation Forest as forest program for the public to enjoy.
In the forest, people are able to meet the cherry tree road at the entrance, beautiful track with autumn foliage, metasequoia road with magnificent scenary, larch road and cinnamon tree with sweet flavor.
Cheongju-si is planning to decorate the forest on 9th at 10am at Okhwa Natural Recreation Forest by hosting fertilizing trees at cypress forest, forest cleaning such as removing vine.

Head of Cheongju-si department of forest Park No Seol said "We will lead on creating highly competitive forest through continuos forestation program to hand down better Cheongju to descendants with the effort of our generation."

▶ Inquiry : Department of forest Forest management team(☎201-2311)
이전글 "Comma" of Cheongju citizen, Okhwa Recreational Forest
다음글 Cheongju-si, focusing on promoting insect industry as the future growth power

담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 경제정책과
  • 담당자 : 박용재
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-1025

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