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Cheongju City



Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongjus' dream of 1 million population, fulfill with the people!
Writer Policy coordination division Planning team
Subject - First citizen communication relay for population growth, hosted at Cheongwon-gu office on 14th-
Cheongju-si has started "citizen opinion acceptance communication relay" each in 4 gu offices as the following plan of comprehensive policy for population growth announced last September.
The city has invited 100 people with various ages and occupation to host "Cheongju-si population growth policy communication relay" at Cheongwon-gu office meeting room on 14th(Friday) on 10AM.

This communication relay provided simple explanation about population growth policy, to convey details to people and asked for understanding toward participation in childbirth.
And, in the debate hosted by Lee Seung Hoon, the mayor of Cheongju, people have shared creative opinions about desirable image of Cheongju-si with 1 million population which the participants hope.
Mayor Lee said that due to Sejong-si's straw phenomenon and national population decrease, there are some concerns, but number of third child and birth rate is higher than the national average of 0.2 people, and he asked for people to support wisdom to make crisis a chance. Also he said that the city will concentrate its capability to reflect valuable opinion of people who participated in the event even with busy schedule.

During the 2 years of sixth representatives elected by popular vote when integrated Cheongju-si started, with active investment promotion, successful promotion of superior corporate, and large-scale site construction projects were conducted. Even with the stray effect of Sejong-si, the population is growing, but next year when Sejong-si 2-step development and large amount of apartment supplied to the market, the city cannot be positive about the population growth.

Cheongju-si will promote comprehensive planning project containing public opinion to let the people, the direct policy recipient and the main character of local community to touch the population growth policy that will be taken in to effect next year.

Meanwhile, the city has announced "Ordinance about Cheongju-si population growth policy support" on June 3, and prepared legal basis of promotion.
Also, the city has announced "comprehensive plan for 1 million population" last September 6 through internal and external opinion acceptance and policy examination process .
"citizen communication relay for population growth" starts on 14th at Cheongwon-gu office and continue on Seowon-gu office, Sangdang-gu office, and Heungdeok-gu office on 18th, 20th, and 24th.

▶ Inquiry : Policy coordination division Planning team (☎ 201-1211)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 경제정책과
  • 담당자 : 박용재
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-1025

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