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Cheongju City



Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Looking at Chengju's transition from the statistics.
Writer policy planning division
Subject Looking at Chengju's transition from the statistics.
- number of employees - 4.1% , trade balance 770 million dollars , accession rate 1.4%, airport passengers 19.6%

Chengju city set its administratvie policy as "first class economy, the best Chengju" and tried its best to activate local economy. As a result, after the city integration, the statistics of city finance shows increase which is a great start.

As for the population of Cheongju(excluding foreigners), it was 831,912 on December, 2015, which was 391 more than last December.
The number of businesses was 57,465 in December 2014, the number of employees was 310,163. Comparing to year 2013, the number of business showed 2.5%(1,402)increase, and the number of employee showed 4.1%(12,317) increase.

As for the results of import and export, compared to 2014, on November 2015, the exportation was 10,375million dollars , importation was 2,310million dollars , trade balance was 8,730 million dollars, which the trade balance was 770 million dollars more than that of 2014.

In case of accession rate, from the first half of 2014 to secodn half of 2014, the rate increased 1.4% from 59% to 60.4%, but the unemployment rate also increased from 3.6% to 4.6%.

Consumer price index increased from 108.55% of December 2014 to 108.81% of December 2015.

Looking at the airport statistics, compared to year 2014, the number of flight jumped to 2520 flights (17.8%), number of passengers jumped to 415,954m and the overall frieght jumped to 2043 t(10.3%), which showed very higher percentage of increase after the city integration.

The city authority mentioned "By constantly monitoring the economical improvement of Chengju, conducting comparative analysis with other municipal governments, reflecting outstanding policies from other cities, we will try harder to practice the "first class economy, the best Chengju" and let the citizens feel pride as our citizen."

inquiry : policy planning division policy evaluation team

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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 경제정책과
  • 담당자 : 박용재
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-1025

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