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Cheongju City



Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title City of Cheongju holds farewell ceremony for the second half of the year
Writer personnel management department
Subject City of Cheongju holds farewell ceremony for the second half of the year

-Held on 30th 11 AM at city hall council chamber on 4th floor, with 150 participants celebrating

City of Cheongju held farewell ceremony for officials who retired or left their position on second half of 2015 on 30th(Wednesday) 11 AM at Cheongju city hall council chamber.

On the ceremony, 150 people including 6 officials who are starting service training, 9 voluntary retirement officials, Li Seung Hoon Chengju mayor, Kim Byeong Guk City council chairperson, and city officials participated to celebrate the retiring officials who spent almost 30 years as a government officials.

The ceremony proceeded in introducing works of retiring officials, presenting appreciation plaque, farewell speech of colleagues, retirement speech and special stage of Chengju city choir, and photo shoot order.

The retiring and leaving officials said "We feel gratitude for colleagues and families who helped us through our career, encouraged us and let us finally retire with honor.". Kim Jong Mok, the director of ancient printing museum represented the retiring officials and played guitar to show how much they appreciate the help of colleagues and families.

Li Seung Hoon, mayor of Chengju said " We thank you for all your hard working as it became the foundation of Chengju's improvement.", and "I sincerely hope your life to be always happy and joyful from this point of your life."

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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 경제정책과
  • 담당자 : 박용재
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-1025

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