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Cheongju City



Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Chengju industrial park will transform into industrial park of the future
Writer City development division
Subject Chengju industrial park will transform into industrial park of the future
- Will throw in 6.183 trillion won until 2024, start planning service on next January.

Chengju will transform the Chengju general industry park that has been constructed for 45 years into industrial park of the future by innovating and regenerating.

Chengju was selected to the "decrepit industrial park competence strengthening business" which is the collaborated project of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport last July. Therefore the city plans to transform the Chengju industrial park into industrial park of the future by throwing in overall 6.183 trillion won(government expense 1.066 trillion won, municipal expense 73.8 billion won, private investment 4.379 trillion won) until 2024.

This project is divided into two part; regeneration project and innovation(sturucture accleration) project.

Regeneration project is supervised by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport which includes construction of infrastucture such as road-widening and parking lot, and consturction of supporting facilities such as "happiness-residential apartment". The budget of this project is 2.875 trillion won which 30-50% of this budget is supported by government expense.

Innovatino(structure accleration) project is supervised by Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy which includes funding projects for improving the environment of industrial park such as constructing dormitory officetels, business hotels, and culture convention center, and industrial academic fusion district construction projects which includes constructing industrial park campus and corporate research labs.

Among the budget of 3.308 trillion won for innovation project, the city will lead over 80% of the budget to private investors based on governmental expenses to pursue the project.

Chengju has already secured half billion won for planning service fee for regeneration project and innovation(structure accleartionproject, and will start the plannign service on next January to complete before the end of the year.

The city authority mentioned "when planning is completed, in order to increase the competence of Chengju industrial park, we will proceed with various business plans", and "in order to conduct successful business process, we definately need attention of citizens, participation of private investors and securement of government expenses.".

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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 경제정책과
  • 담당자 : 박용재
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-1025

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