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Cheongju City



Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Chengju Agricultural Technology Center will proceed a demonstration business for beehive cold warehouse
Writer technology diffusion division
Subject Chengju Agricultural Technology Center will proceed a demonstration business for beehive cold warehouse

- In order to succeed bee farming, should safely store the beehive

Chengju Agricultural Technology Center is in process of demonstration business for beehive cold warehouse in order to support bee farming difficulties and the technology.

Beehive is a room where bees bear caterpillar and store honey, also called honeycomb and composed of material called beeswax.

Beehive is a very important agro-material to bee farms, has very close relationship with livelihood of bee and production quantity of honey.

The timing for collecting honey varies in each bee farms. During autumn or just before winter, the beehives get empty(beehive with honey). Store this beehive to put it back again to bee farm so that it helps honeybees to save time for building new beehives and directly lay eggs and store honey.

However, if store the beehive incorrectly, the bee farm can suffer loss in farming because the transformation of shape of beehive.

One of the bee farmers Song Han Deok said "Last year, we incorrectly stored the beehive and had about 3 million won of loss, but we expect this year's result as Chengju Agricultural Technology Center started demonstration business for beehive cold warehouse so that they can produce more honey and increase the activity of bees."

The center officer said "many bee farmers had suffered losses due to the beehive storing problem." and "we plan to educate the bee farmers about the importance of storing beehive and the related techniques while proceeding the demonstration business."

▶inquiry : technology diffusion division livestock management team (☎201-3881)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 경제정책과
  • 담당자 : 박용재
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-1025

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