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Cheongju City



Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Chengju will proceed snow-removing measure
Writer Safety and health policy division
Subject Chengju will proceed snow-removing measure
-Classify roads into 3 levels, proceed by stages
- Minimize the transportation inconvenience by establishing the special measure for vulnerable area.

City of Cheongju has established an effective disaster responding system along with prior preparation in order to minimize the inconvenience of citizens from winter snow.

The city has set the winter natural disaster preparation period from December 1st to next March 15th, and established snow removing measure on overall 894kms of streets mainly focusing on main and branch roads.

The city has constructed a T/F team for collaborative procession for each disaster" for prior preparation for natural disaster, and strengthened the collaboration between departments under the city and police, fire office and other 17 institutions to actively prepare for winter disasters.

For this measure, 44 snow removing vehicles, 87 sprinklers, 20 stirring equipments and other snow removing equipments are prepared and secured 1860 tons of calcium chloride and 8228 tons of sodium for snow removing material which is 130% more than last year's preparation.

Also, to prepare for heavy snow, the city constructed a 24 hour duty operation system and emergency duty operation for all officers in preparation of snowfall over 5 cms.

Especially, as the city is responsible for snow removal of much wider range of area after the integrated Chengju, the city will proceed the snow removal operation in 3 stages.

When it starts to snow, the city classify the 4 or more lane main road and roads with more traffic as 1st grade and proceed snow removal operation quickly utilizing all the equipments kept in four district offices.

Roads under 10m width and lower traffic is classified as 2nd grade which smaller district offices operates self-regulatory snow removal operation, the equipments which completed the 1st grade road snow removal later helps the 2nd grade roads.

For small rural area roads with almost no traffic is classified as 3rd grade. Volunteers from each village operates snow removal operation with 239 tractors with furrower and operate self-regulatory snow removal operation.
Along with these operations, the city will proceed a special management measure for vulnerable areas such as bridges, up hills and complex traffic roads so as to prevent traffic catastrophe because of any accidents or heavy snow.

The city authority said "as citizens have great expectation to integrated Chengju snow removawl operation, we will do our best effort to proceed a snow removal measure."

Also, "Snow removal operation cannot be done completely by officials, it needs active participation of citizens." , and said "for a safe winter without accident, please participate in snow clearing in front of my house and my store."

▶문의: Safety and health policy division natural disaster team (☎201-1641)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 경제정책과
  • 담당자 : 박용재
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-1025

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