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Cheongju City



Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju City completes the construction of the old pathway along the Sangdang Fortress
Writer Department of park formation
Subject Cheongju City completes the construction of the old pathway along the Sangdang Fortress
- The old pathway from Myeong Am Spring to Sangdang Fortress has been transformed into an environment-friendly pathway in the forest -

The old pathway from Myeong Am Spring to Sangdang Fortress has been transformed into a pedestrian-friendly and environment-friendly pathway. The city of Cheongju held a ceremony to mark the opening of the newly constructed pathway at 2 pm of the 6th, with over 200 residents and VIPS present, including the mayor of Cheongju Lee Seunghun, at the parking lot of Myeong Am Spring.

The ceremony consisted of greeting remarks from the mayor, congratulatory remarks from the speaker of the city council Kim Byeongguk, ceremonial planting of trees, tape-cutting and a walk along the pathway. Over 800 lightning bugs that had been donated by the Chungcheong Buk Province Agricultural Technology Center were released to mark the ceremony.

The new pathway, stretching along 2.5 km, had been restored from last April at a cost of 1.6 billion Won, including 600 million Won of subsidies from the national government. The pathway has several segments featuring specific themes such as a ‘pathway for healing’, ‘a pathway for restoration’ and ‘a pathway to trace history of the region’. Over 79 thousand trees and plants of 60 types have been planted along the pathway. The pathway for healing, which serves as a gateway to the overall path, is marked with a gate that represents Sangdang Fortress and showcases various marble sculptures and areas for unwinding.

The pathway for restoration has an ‘Am Seok Won’ that showcases seasonal flowers and trees, a botanical garden to restore biodiversity, and an area for unwinding and meeting up with others. The pathway to trace history of the region features a resting area with betula platyphylla trees, a viewing deck, a botanical garden for flowers and trees and Myeongam Jeong.

An official of the city noted that “this is a great pathway for a relaxing walk that takes you through Sangdang Fortress and Myeong Am resort, which are representative areas of Cheongju’s tourism” and that the city “expects the pathway to serve as a venue for eco-learning and rest amidst the natural environment.”

▶Inquiry: Park formation team, Department of park formation(☎201-4421)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 경제정책과
  • 담당자 : 박용재
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-1025

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