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Cheongju City



Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju City creates a ‘luxury street’ lined with trees
Writer Department of Parks and Landscaping
Subject Cheongju City draws attention by creating a ‘luxury street’ lined with trees
-A total of 600 million Won invested in the project to create the luxury street spanning from Kyeongdeok Middle School in Kakyeong-Dong to the Bus Terminal

Cheongju City has formed a luxury street perfect with its pedestrian-friendly layout and trees, and have been drawing many citizens ever since. A total of 600 million Won, including 300 million Won from the national coffers, was invested in the project to create a ‘luxury street lined with trees’, stretching along a 1km strip from Kyeongdeok Middle School in Kakyeong-Dong to the Bus Terminal in Heongdeok-Gu.

A total of 24,689 trees have been planted, including 14 types of maple trees to fit the theme of a street of maple trees and fruit. What is of particular note are the little decorations inspired by characters from fairy tales such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and tigers. A pagoda and benches are installed for families to take a rest, take photos and have a relaxing time together, much to the citizens’ acclaim.

The City had been working on this project since 2012 which is part of a larger project spanning approximately 6.5km. For this larger project, a total of 1.8 billion Won including 900 million from the national government’s funds has been invested.

Next year, an additional 500 million Won is expected to be secured from the national government to work on the tree street from the interchange of Kyeongbu Expressway to the six-way crossroad near Bukdae-Dong industrial complex.

Meanwhile, to commemorate the opening of the luxury street, a ‘citizen’s small musical concert’ is expected to be held at 7 pm on the 14th at the Open Hall Plaza of Cheongju Broadcasting. The city’s philharmonic orchestra and choir are expected to make an appearance.

Inquiry: Green landscaping team, Department of Parks and Landscaping (Tel. 201-4426)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 경제정책과
  • 담당자 : 박용재
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-1025

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