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Cheongju City



Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju City declares integrity in its administration
Writer Department of Audits
Subject Cheongju City declares integrity in its administration
-At the grand meeting room of Cheongju City Hall, with 160 attendees present on the 1st of August

The City of Cheongju declared its initiative on ‘integrity in the city administration that puts citizens at the center’, with 160 public officers and employees present, including Mayor of Cheongju, Lee Seung Hun. The declaration took place last 1st of August in the grand meeting room of the City Hall.

Mayor Lee Sung Hun read the declaration on behalf of the city government officials and handed over the declaration to six people representing the citizens of Cheongju, including Chairman Kwon Young Ju of the Korea Association for Senior Citizens, Seowon branch.

The declaration outlines the city’s commitment to eliminating corruption in city administration to build a Cheongju with ‘world-class economy’ and to leading efforts in incorporating integrity in the city administration through change and innovation.

All public officers working for the city government pledged to abide by the principle to bring corruption to justice and to take the initiative in realizing a city administration known for its integrity and trust from citizens.

Mayor Lee commented that “integrity is one of the basic values of public officers” and that “in order to lead the atmosphere where integrity is valued in public administration, we should all pull our weight in our respective tasks.”

With this declaration, Cheongju will push ahead with a series of policies for a city administration free of corruption. Such policies and programs include ‘a reinforcement of tailored anti-corruption and integrity training’, establishment of an ‘integrity award’, and development of a ‘one department, one program’ initiative.

Inquiry: Investigation Team, Department of Audits (Tel. 201-1101)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 경제정책과
  • 담당자 : 박용재
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-1025

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