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Cheongju City



Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title The newly integrated city of Cheongju is launched! The birth of one of the largest cities in the middle region of Korea!
Writer Department of External Relations
Subject The newly integrated city of Cheongju is launched! The birth of one of the largest cities in the middle region of Korea!
-President Park Geun Hye comments that “the national government will do all it can to support Cheongju”

A new era where the 840,000 citizens of Cheongju come together has started.
The city of Cheongju held an official launching ceremony to commemorate the start of the newly integrated city’s history at 11 AM of the 1st at the grand performance hall of Cheongju Art Center.
The launching ceremony saw over 1500 attendees, including President Park Geun Hye, Government Lee Si Jong, major cabinet members, heads of local organizations, National Assembly members representing the region, and citizens.

The event proceeded with a declaration of the ceremony’s opening, pledge of allegiance, progress update, a projection of a video showcasing the vision of Cheongju, congratulatory address by Mayor Lee Sung Hoon, congratulatory address by Governor of Chungcheongbuk Province Lee Si Jong, congratulatory remarks by President Park, an official launching ceremony and a congratulatory performance by the city’s choir and philharmonic orchestra.
Through her remarks, President Park Geun Hye noted that “the launch of the newly integrated city of Cheongju carries significant meaning in that it was done by the local residents taking the initiative.”
She went on to say that “while in the past Cheongju and Cheongwon were not able to create much energy due to the division, we are now entering a new era where that is possible” and promised full support for Cheongju so that “the efforts of the residents can bear fruit.”
She also commented that “Cheongju is a city with great growth potential given its central location on the Korean peninsula and its link between Youngnam and Honam” and asked that “the citizens of Cheongju and Chungbuk Province do their best to ensure a successful takeoff of the newly integrated city.”
Governor of Chungbuk Province Lee Si Jong remarked in his congratulatory address that “the birth of the newly integrated city of Cheongju is a grand masterpiece that was only possible through the hard work of our citizens” and that “just as in an orchestra, we must all pull our weight to ensure that Cheongju grows into the city that we envision it to be.”
Governor Lee also added that “Cheongju has finally become whole again, after spending years as two parts unable to live up to their respective potential. Like the bird in our folklore that had only one eye and one wing but was able to fly freely once he met his partner, Cheongju, too, has grasped that moment to take off.”
Inaugural mayor Lee Sung Hoon noted in his address that “Since its separation in 1946, Cheongju had spent 68 years before it became one single city again. The integration is in line with the re-organization of administrative systems that the national government is pursuing and also corresponds to our initiative to establish a more vibrant and balanced local economy.”
Mayor Lee observed that “In the past Cheongju was not able to have its urban and rural areas complement each other due to the division but now it is well positioned to become the center of Korea’s creative economy. I will push forward towards a complete integration by establishing a clear vision for the future and putting in the necessary infrastructure.”
The newly launched Cheongju City had previously been known as Cheongju and Cheongwon since its division under US military rule in 1946.
While there have been efforts to reintegrate in the past, notably in 1994, 2005 and 2010, June, 2012 was the time when it finally came true through an autonomous movement by the residents.
As of end of May, the population of new Cheongju is 840118, making it the second largest local administrative area following Changwon if we exclude the Seoul Metropolitan area.
It covers a total area of 940.3 square kilometers, ranking it 2nd among over 50,000 cities nationwide and is 1.6 times larger than Seoul city.
Its budget is about 1 trillion 945.8 billion Won and has a fund about 81 billion Won, making the total 2 trillion 26.8 billion Won. The administrative composition is one city hall, 6 bureaus, 37 departments, 4 Gu offices, 13 Eup or Myeon and 30 Dongs. Public officers working for the city amount to 3300 including environmental management workers and long-term contract workers.
In almost every aspect, the birth of Cheongju signals the advent of a new era.

Inquiry : Press release, Department of External Relations (82-043-201-1073)
이전글 Inauguration ceremony of the first mayor of the newly integrated city of Cheongju, Lee Sung Hoon
다음글 Cheongju City declares integrity in its administration

담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 경제정책과
  • 담당자 : 박용재
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-1025

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