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Cheongju City



Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title The newly integrated city of Cheongju opens its four Gu (district) offices
Writer Department of External Relations
Subject The newly integrated city of Cheongju opens its four Gu offices
-Services at the Gu offices for Sangdang, Seowon, Heungdeok and Cheongwon are launched

On the very first day of the official launch of the newly integrated city of Cheongju, its four Gu offices have also opened. The opening ceremony started at 2 pm with Sangdang-gu, followed by Seowon-gu at 4 pm, Heungdeok-gu at 4:50 and Cheongwon-gu at 5:50. Celebratory performances, official opening ceremony, unveiling of the plaque, tree-planting to mark the event and a photo session took place with Mayor Lee Sung Hoon, directors of each gu, National Assembly members representing the region, local lawmakers on the municipal and province level and residents attending.
The inaugural director for Sangdang-gu Office, Han Kwon Dong expressed his commitment to realizing safe administration, a welfare administration that instills hope, a sympathetic administration, an administration that communicates well with the locals and creative administration for his Gu of Sangdang, and also promised to do his best to make Sangdang one of the best districts in the newly integrated Cheongju City.
The inaugural director for Seowon-gu Office, Choi Chang Ho noted that in order to make Seowon-gu a safe and happy place to live in, he will focus on co-existence between urban and rural areas, safety-oriented city management, a vision for the future, a welfare system that caters to citizens’ needs and an open government that invites citizen participation.
Meanwhile the inaugural director for Heongdeok-gu Office, Huh Won Uk emphasized that he will build a Heongdeok-gu that underlines co-existence and harmony, promotes the local economy, makes it safe for its citizens and promotes balanced development. The city will also have to have a welfare system that is sympathetic to residents and an administration that values integrity.
The inaugural director for Cheongwon-gu Office Lee Chung Geun commented that in order to realize a Cheongwon-gu that is filled with hope and is vibrant on every level, a more tailored welfare system, open communication with residents, cracking down on illegal activities, stabilizing the middle class and a fair HR management system within the city administration would have to be the focus.

Inquiry : Press release, Department of External Relations (82-043-201-1073)
다음글 Inauguration ceremony of the first mayor of the newly integrated city of Cheongju, Lee Sung Hoon

담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 경제정책과
  • 담당자 : 박용재
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-1025

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