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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju Early Printing Museum, the Center of Globalization of Jikji, Reopens
Writer Cheongju
Subject - Cheongju Early Printing Museum’s renovation after 30 years
- Reopening event held for the public on Jun. 27

On Jun. 27, the Cheongju Early Printing Museum held a reopening event at its seminar room with citizens invited.

The reopening ceremony was attended by Cheongju Mayor Lee Beom-Seog, Cheongju City Council Chairman Lee Byeong-guk, members of the Cheongju City Council, museum-related organizations, and many students and citizens who have been longing for the museum to reopen.

The event consisted of a report on the progress of the museum, an opening speech and congratulatory remarks, a congratulatory performance, and a tour of the exhibits.

The Cheongju Early Printing Museum, which was opened in 1992, had been somewhat inconvenient for visitors due to its aging facilities.

In order to resolve such inconvenience and transform the museum to a representative cultural space in Cheongju, the city began the reorganization project of its exhibition hall in September 2022 and completed it in December of the same year. From January 2023, the museum was partially closed and renovated, and the reorganization was completed in June.

Parts of the first exhibition hall, second and third exhibition halls have been completely reorganized to create an exhibition space where visitors can have a glance at the printing culture of Korea and the printing culture of the world.

The first exhibition hall displays the “Reproduced Jikji” and the “Copy of the Original Jikji” that have been restored by estimating the original state of Jikji when it was first printed in 1377, and screens a video of the original exhibition of Jikji currently on display at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.

The second exhibition hall features Korea’s excellent prideful print culture, while the third hall is devoted to the print culture of the East and West, an exhibition of donated materials, and a hands-on experience space.

An official of Cheongju stated, “We hope the reopened museum boosts the pride of Cheongju citizens in Jikji and the museum to become a representative cultural space in the region. Please pay a visit to the Cheongju Early Printing Museum, the center of the globalization of Jikji."
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2524

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