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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

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Title Now Accepting Entries for the Cheongju International Craft Competition 2023!
Writer Cheongju
Subject - Accepting applications in two competitions (Craft and Craft City Lab) from March 31st to May 7th
- Winners will be offered the chance to promote their works on Seoul Auction's Blacklot app

With a total prize money of KRW 143 million, who will draw the attention of the world's craft industry this year?

Cheongju City and the Cheongju Craft Biennale Organizing Committee (chaired by the Mayor of Cheongju Lee Beom-seog) are now accepting works for the Cheongju International Craft Competition 2023.

All applications will be accepted online from March 31st to May 7th through the official website (ccbcompetition.com).

Applicants may choose from two competitions: “Craft Competition” for craft works and “Craft City Lab Competition” for plan proposals.

In the Craft Competition, an individual or team can submit one piece of work without restrictions on genre or materials.

The works, however, must be produced between 2021 and 2023. Those selected in the first screening in June will submit their work, and the final winners will be announced in August.

Winners of the Craft Competition will be awarded KRW 60 million in prize money, up KRW 10 million from the previous competition (in 2019). Different amounts will be awarded to gold, silver and bronze prize winners.

In addition, four new categories are added for this year's competition: the Young Artist Award, the Partner Award, the Popularity Award, and the Residency Award.

The Residency Award winner will be provided with an opportunity to work at the Craft Studio of the Korea Craft Museum in Cheongju in 2024. The scale of support will be equivalent to the Craft Studio resident artists.

The Craft City Lab Competition for craft planners will be required to submit ideas under the theme of the coexistence of “Craft and City.”

An individual or team can submit one project, and only applicants selected in the first screening will be assessed in the second screening (presentation) in early June.

The finalists will complete the research and writing of the manuscript by August. The writing period has been extended to a total of two months, given one more month compared to the last competition.

In both competitions, anyone aged 18 or older, regardless of nationality, can submit their work.

Winners should not also miss a variety of follow-up programs intended to encourage their involvement in diverse creative activities.

In June this year, 30 works of the 10 winners of the 2021 competition will be showcased in the Craft Art Biennale “2023 Révélations” in Paris, France. Winners of this year's competition will be offered the chance to promote their works on the Blacklot app of Seoul Auction, Korea's leading art auction company.

Details of the competition, which will be held on the biggest scale ever in terms of the prize money and follow-up programs, are available on the official website.

The Cheongju International Craft Competition, which began in 1999 with the Cheongju Craft Biennale, has awarded 1,800 works of artists from more than 50 countries to date. It is now recognized as a prestigious contest that leads the trend of the world’s craft and a key event representing the history and tradition of Cheongju.

The Cheongju Craft Biennale 2023, where the winning works will be unveiled, will be held for 45 days from September 1st to October 15th, primarily in the Cheongju Culture Factory.
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2524

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