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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju Museum of Art Hosts the First Collection Exhibition of 2023: Sense of Direction
Writer Cheongju
Subject - The museum unveils 175 art works out of a total of 399 -

As its first exhibition of this year, Cheongju Museum of Art opened an exhibition entitled Sense of Direction 2023, said the museum on Mar. 7.

The exhibition is organized to share with citizens what careful sense means when gathering valuable collections.

The exhibition is scheduled to be open until Apr. 16.

Since its establishment in 2016, the museum has collected 399 pieces. Among them, the museum is displaying 175 pieces, created by 108 artists, that demonstrates the flow and value of arts in Cheongju, including new items collected last year.

The exhibition begins with works of Ahn Seung-gak on the first floor, portraying an initial stage of art works in Cheongju in 1940s right before and after the independence of Korea.

In particular, Ahn Seung-gak's new collections that have been donated last year are on display along with Water, the work of his son Ahn Young-il.

Other art collections created by various artists representing Chungbuk, such as Jeong Jin-guk, Jeong Chang-seop, Yun Hyeong-geun, Im Jik-soon, Ha Dong-cheol, Lee Wan-ho, and Kim Jae-gwan, are also on display.

Displayed on the second floor are collections created by major artists of Cheongju. The first arts college was established in 1970s. That had led the artists of Cheongju to produce outstanding works of various contemporary art genres during 1980s and 1990s.

In particular, Kim Un-gi's photo collections in 1970s as well as works of Kim Joon-gwon, Lee Yoo-joong, and So Young-ran that have been donated last year capture visitors' attention.

In the last section of the exhibition on the third floor, collections made by the Cheongju Creative Art Studio demonstrates a new generation of Cheongju art after 2000s.

New collections acquired last year, including the works of Huh Woo-joong, Park Gyeong-jong, and Jeong Ji-hyeon, and major works created by artists working at the studio will be on display.

Through the collections, visitors are able to catch a glimpse of Cheongju art's brief history and its origin.

Visitors can also learn about a variety of artists who harmonized with Cheongju's unique geographical and environmental surroundings throughout their lives in the modern art history.

"This exhibition is organized to verify the direction of which collections have been gathered for the last seven years," said Lee Sang-bong, the director of the museum. "This will serve as a momentum to expand the variety of the collections through a sense that can be applied in visual arts set to appear in another paradigm."

The exhibition is the third of its kind to be launched since the establishment of the museum on Jul. 1, 2016.

The first collection exhibition in 2020 had introduced the direction and result of the collections the museum had. The second of its kind held last year had shed a new light on the meaning of donation through new collections donated from 2020 to 2021.

Cheongju Museum of Art has been holding exhibitions based on exploring works of late and senior artists who have contributed to developing Cheongju arts and art historical value since the beginning of the modern art in 1900s.

Moreover, through research on local projects of major artists and works of young artists, the museum has been introducing various artists and forming its identity as a public museum.
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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