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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju Artist ‘Park Gye-hoon’ to Hold an Exhibition in France
Writer Cheongju
Subject On the 10th, Cheongju Museum of Art (CMoA) announced that Park Gye-hoon, an artist from Cheonju, will be holding an exhibition titled “Les 7 plans qui respirent” in L’H du Siége, France, as part of its international exchange project.

The CMoA signed an MOU with L’H du Siége last year on the mutual exchange between local artists and exhibition supports. The two organizations have been since holding a series of projects dedicated to introducing local artists to the international art scene and revitalizing international networks.

In September last year, Park joined the residency program of L’H du Siége and continued his creative activities during his three months’ stay.

In the upcoming exhibition, Park will introduce his artworks that recreate the tension between oblivion and memory, and history and art in various ways through images drawn on hanji using acrylic paints and oil sticks, and the sculptural act of opening paper that is partially cut.

Starting with the opening ceremony of Park’s exhibition on the 6th, L’H du Siége will launch a nation-wide promotional campaign that will introduce and promote Park's artworks in Europe.

Lee Sang-bong, Director of CMoA, said, “Starting with Park’s exhibition in France, we will continue our effort to vitalize the platform that will help talented local artists enter the international scene.”

Meanwhile, CMoA held an exhibition titled “là où sommeillent les formes” from July to August last year, introducing 53 paintings and drawings that Pascal Pesez, an artist recommended by L’H du Siége, created during his three months’ stay in Cheongju.
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2524

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