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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Meeting Art Masters in Cheongju
Writer Cheongju
Subject Meeting Art Masters in Cheongju
- Hosting of the special joint exhibition from 2022 Jikji Festival
- Exhibition of more than 80 artworks from Joan Miró, Henri Matisse, etc.

How about meeting globally renowned artists at Cheongju Culture Factory this fall?

The Special Joint Exhibition: In Honor of Korea, Treasures from the Klingspor Museum will he held as part of the 2022 Jikji Festival at Cheongju Culture Factory Hall 3 until Oct. 16.

80 pieces by Joan Miró, who is one of the three geniuses of surrealism in modern art, along with Henri Matisse, Hap Grieshaber, as well as Rudolf Koch, Adrian Frutiger, the fathers of typography.

It attracted almost 1,000 visitors last weekend alone, and received positive feedback of being able to see the change of modern and contemporary graphic art in Europe.

In particular, the unique Korean flag-shaped exhibition room is gaining much attention. The Klingspor Museum in Germany, which is known as the “cradle of printing” in Europe, suggested the Korean-flag shaped exhibition room to pay tribute to Korea's contribution in the world's history of printing.

The four unique sections were placed in each corner centered around the large exhibition table in the center.

A precise paper-cutting works on the large exhibition wall that are more than 100 years show how type foundry in Germany looked like.

After the closing of the 2022 Jikji Festival, a total of three special exhibition programs including Heungdeoksa: The Birth of Jikji, Special Joint Exhibition: In Honor of Korea; Treasures from the Klingspor Museum; and the Memory of the World Exhibit: The Jikji of Today, Tuol Sleng's Records for the Future will be held simultaneously until Oct. 16.

It is expected to provide a new energy in life and a small happiness for citizens who have just overcome the long COVID-19 pandemic.

The exhibition is free to enter and will be open from 10 AM to 6 PM every day.

For more details, please contact the 2022 Jikji Festival office (☎+82-43-201-3664).
Meeting Art Masters in Cheongju 이미지 1
File 첨부파일(png파일) IN HONOR OF KOREA.pngIN HONOR OF KOREA.png 바로보기
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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