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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Heungdeok-gu Public Health Center to relocate to the former building of Heungdeok-gu Office
Writer Health Administration Team
Subject Heungdeok-gu Public Health Center will be temporarily relocated to the former building of Heungdeok-gu District Office (88, Daenong-ro) and open its doors on Mon, Mar. 7.

Heungdeok-gu Public Health Center attempted to renovate the former building of Heungdeok-gu Office last year to relocate its location, but it was judged that additional project expenses would be required due to the building’s steel structure being vulnerable to fire and the need to prepare countermeasures against corrosion of construction aggregate in the future. Upon inspection by architects, there was an opinion that it would be more efficient to build a new building for enhanced health services in the future.

During this time, Heungdeok-gu Public Health Center will be relocated without renovation and the former building of Heungdeok-gu District Office will be used temporarily for about six years until the health center is built.

Making the most of the existing partitioned space and considering user convenience, the first floor will comprise a pregnancy counseling and preventive health care room for infants and pregnant women, immunization room, fitness room and reception desk; the second floor will comprise a dementia prevention center for senior citizens (scheduled for relocation in July), a permanent cardiopulmonary education center and auditorium; and the third floor will comprise a general office, metabolic/nutrition counseling room for health promotion programs, walk-in health office, smoking cessation counseling office, tobacco control office, health education rooms, etc.

Heungdeok-gu Public Health Center’s respiratory clinic and COVID-19 screening clinic will also be relocated and start operation on Wed, Mar. 2. Please note that Heungdeok-gu Public Health Center’s COVID-19 screening clinic will be closed from Mon, Feb. 28 to Tue, Mar. 1 during its relocation.

Following the relocation, Heungdeok-gu Mental Health Welfare Center will be relocated to the second floor of the Gangseo Community Health Branch building that was used as the main building of Heungdeok-gu Public Health Center in July to take charge of affairs related to mental health, and the remaining first, third and fourth floors will be in charge of affairs related to local residents’ healthy lifestyle and impairment rehabilitation.

As both the dementia and mental health welfare centers are currently renting private buildings, their relocation will save up to approximately KRW 1.1 billion in rent for over six years.

The new construction project for Heungdeok-gu Public Health Center is part of Cheongju City’s project to improve medical services in rural areas, which may receive KRW 6.3 billion in national subsidy in 2024, if selected by the government as a target for the public health center construction project in 2023.

A spokesperson of Heungdeok Public Health Center said, “While the relocation to the former Heungdeok-gu District Office as a temporary office building for Heungdeok-gu Public Health Center will be carried out without renovation, we will make the best use of the existing partitioned space, and provide substantial and quality health services to local residents in consideration of user convenience.”

▶ Inquiry: Health Administration Team of the Heungdeok-gu Public Health Center (☎ +82-43-201-3316)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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