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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju-si to produce the first on-site disaster control manual for heads of villages and tongs in Korea.
Writer Disaster Management Team
Subject Cheongju-si to produce the first on-site disaster control manual for heads of villages and tongs in Korea.

Cheongju-si is producing and distributing an on-site disaster control manual that contains guidelines customized for individual villages in order to improve the actual application of the manual, and allow heads of villages and tongs to improve their abilities to respond to disasters promptly.

The manual will be produced in the form of an A4-sized clear file containing 8 vinyl pages. The purpose is to produce the manual in the simplest form for 1,782 heads of villages and tongs to use.

The city consolidated opinions from the local departments in eups, myeons, and disaster control related departments of dongs. In addition, it had on-site information sessions and opinion hearings at the heads of villages and tongs meetings held in Namil-myeon, Osong-eup, Yongam 1(il)-dong, and Naedeok 1(il)-dong. In addition, on the 9th, the city also launched the Cheongju-si Safe City Execution Committee in the National Crisis and Emergency Management Research Institute at Chungbuk National University, and received a review on the production of a manual from experts.

The manual contains information on phased actions to take in the event of a disaster. The order of action follows as informing the situation to fellow villagers ⇨contacting the cooperative system in the village ⇨assisting emergency evacuations ⇨informing the firefighting station and the city hall ⇨cooperating with the person in charge of the situation on-site.

People often mistakenly think that the first action to take in the event of a disaster is to call a firefighting station or city hall. However, like the flood in 2017, there can be situations were firefighting stations or the city hall are unable to make prompt actions due to being preoccupied with other calls for a long time.

The manual emphasizes that, in order to solve such problems, it is important for villagers to prioritize informing fellow villagers of the situation and assist emergency evacuations on site.

Main contact numbers for disaster control agencies for different types of disasters including flood and wind-related disasters and fires in areas with highly concentrated facilities, and so on as well as the announcement messages for emergency broadcasting, and telephone numbers for city hall, borough offices, and local offices in eups, myeons, and dongs.

In addition, empty templates were also inserted so that the heads of villages and tongs can customize the manual in terms of vulnerable households, cooperative systems, and emergency shelters, and so on in each village.

The appendix section in the manual also contains brief information on how to request a disaster notification text message, how to use the applications called Safety Report and Safety Didimdol, what to check on Safety Inspection Day, and how to make emergency reports, and so on.

The manual will be distributed to Administration Welfare Centers in each eup, myeon, and dong by the end of the month. In January next year, autonomous disaster prevention agents from the Cheongju government will visit each eup, myeon, and dong to give advance training on the manual before distributing it.

A city representative said, “Recently, administrative organizations’ efforts alone are not sufficient to respond to various accidents and disasters taking place unexpectedly. Cooperation from heads of villages and tongs who are on the front lines is the most crucial aspect of all. We hope the manual will increase awareness of disaster response, and be used to protect the precious lives and properties of citizens in the event of disasters and accidents.”
▶Inquiries: Disaster Management Team, Department of Safety Policy (☎+82-43-201-1611)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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