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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Medical Expense Support for Premature Babies and Babies with Birth Defects
Writer Seowon Public Health Center
Subject - Up to KRW 10 Million for Premature Babies and up to KRW 5 Million for Babies Diagnosed with Birth Defects –
Cheongju-si is supporting part of the medical expenses (full copayments and uncovered services ) for premature babies and babies diagnosed withbirth defects.
Those who are eligible are babies born at under 37 weeks of pregnancy,or newborns under 2.5kg at birth who were admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit due to a need for emergency operation or treatment within 24 hours of being born; and babies diagnosed with birth defects at the medical clinic within 28 days of birth (disease code starting with Q) who were admitted to the hospital to have surgery to cure the disease within 6 months.
The medical expenses are supported for households that have given birth to a premature baby or an infant with birth defects and have an income that is 180% or below the median income. However, in case of multichild families (3rd baby or afterwards), the support is given regardless of income.
The supporting amount goes up to a maximum of KRW 10 million for premature babies, and maximum of KRW 5 million for the infants with birth defects.
Households can apply by directly visiting the public health center in the jurisdiction of the newborn baby within 6 months after the baby has been discharged from the hospital.
The required documents are the original receipt of treatment costs, detailed statement of medical treatment, copy of passbook in which the money is to be deposited, birth certificate, a medical report that contains the name of the disease or hospitalization certificate or discharge certificate that contains the diagnosis, a copy of a health insurance card, recent payment certificate of health insurance premium, and the applicant’s ID card.
Director Lee Cheol-su of Seowon Public Health Center said, “By supporting medical expenses for premature babies and infants with birth defects, we can relieve their familes of the burden of medical expenses, thereby preventing them from giving up on the treatment due to excessive costs, ultimately reducing infant mortality rates and minimizing occurrences of disabilities.”
▶ Inquiries: Seowon Public Health Center Community Health Team (☎043-201-3270)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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