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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Find Your Dreams at Cheongju Early Printing Museum
Writer Liberal Sciences Research Lab Jikji Promotion Team
Subject - Museum Running a Free Grade System-based Jikji Culture Experience Education Program -
The Jikji Culture Experience Education Program offered by Cheongju Early Printing Museum (Director OhYeong-taek) as a part of its Free Grade System-based programs for middle school students is proceeding smoothly.
This education program, which is being carried out for the first time this year under the cooperation of Cheongju Early Printing Museum and Cheongju Office of Education, is being offered to 12 classes in 3 of the 6 schools in the Cheongju region that have implemented the Free Grade System in the first half of the year since it was signed into agreement this past February.
The Free Grade System is an education system that allows students to find their dreams by following their aptitudes and interests and develop their talents through hands-on activities.
Accordingly, Cheongju Early Printing Museum has stepped up its level of education through the preparation of various programs.
Students can now learn about Jikji and Korea’s early printing culture before experiencingJikji culture for themselves.
Jikji advisors who have been trained through Jikji courses in university will directly visit schools to teach students about the value of Jikji and the excellence of Korea’s early printing culture, thereby raising their understanding of and pride in Korean cultural heritage. Once they have completed this preliminary education, students can try out an assortment of hands-on activities in the museum. Recently remodeled, the museum now sports an area where visitors can enjoy a wide range of videos and digital content, allowing students to experience Jikji in an easier and more enjoyable manner. Additionally, students can receive explanations tailored to their level from liberal science researchers, and the quality of these explanations is excellent, to the point where some students have requested mentoring from the researchers. Once the students have completed their overall tour of the museum, they can witness a close-up demonstration of the casting process of metal type print from Im In-ho, the Master Artisan of Metal Movable Type Casting Skill Holder himself. Finally, they can become attuned with Jikji culture by participating in various events, such as making their own works, through the lead type and paper transcription experiences.
An official at Cheongju Early Printing Museum stated, “In order to spread worth of Jikji, which is the pride of Cheongju and a registered heritage of the UNESCO Memory of the World, we have joined forces with related regional institutions and are working to run various education programs”, and revealed, “With the activation of the Free Grade System, which is starting for the first time ever this year, we will work hard to ensure that many students can participate and experience Jikji culture to inherit the creative value of Jikji and develop their dreams and hopes for the future.”
▶ Inquiries: Liberal Sciences Research Lab Jikji Promotion Team (☎043-201-4294)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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