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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju Early Printing Museum, from the Center of Local Culture to the World
Writer Jikji Business Team, Operation Business Division
Subject - Cheongju Early Printing Museum is making transformations on its 25th anniversary –

Cheongju Early Printing Museum is making new transformations on its 25th anniversary. It is transforming into a world-class museum that highlights Baegun hwasang chorok buljo jikji simche yojeol (Anthology of Great Buddhist Priests' Zen Teachings)’s importance in the history of civilization, Korea’s old printing culture as well as modern and contemporary Korean printing culture. It is remodeling its exhibition hall and improving the content.

◆ Expansion to a Smart Cyber Museum
The biggest change of the museum this year is changed exhibition environment. Changes are not limited to physical space of its exhibition rooms. Online, mobile service and DB of the collections will be improved at a great scale. Currently, ‘Building a Smart Cyber Museum Project’, being implemented as part of informatization project, has begun in 2016 with the government fund of KRW 600 million (KRW 300 million per year). It is expected to be finished as early as within this year. When we look into the detail, this project consists of building a computer DB of current collections, establishing an integrated management system of the museum, upgrading the website, developing exhibition guide App, and producing new exhibition content. The museum is making efforts to become an advanced museum by transforming itself into a smart cyber museum that provides convenient services and better means of access to visitors.

◆ Remodeling Some Parts of Exhibition Rooms
In addition to building a smart cyber museum, some parts of exhibition rooms will be remodeled. Since its opening in 1992, there has been no big change in the formation and content of the exhibition, but this time, it will be changed greatly. It is planned to utilize metal type printing technique that it has secured thanks to restoration business of metal types, and related content resources, and adopt new exhibition methods to reorganize into an exhibition specialized for metal types. The parts that are going to be remodeled are Exhibition Room 1 and some parts of Exhibition Rooms 2 and 3. Currently, Exhibition Room 1 displays diorama of metal types processing but facilities are old, the space is closed and the maze-like pathways are complicated. It will be more opened and the result of metal types restoration project will be displayed at the front. Moreover, not just simply displaying relics, but the museum will adopt new hands-on experience type theme-pathways to draw interests from the visitors.

◆ Remodeling Roof with Copperplate
The museum building has not been changed since it was built as a concrete structure in 1992. The building is unique in its shape that looks like a thatched house, but the round roof will be remodeled with copperplate to make visitors more interested, and with regular painting work to prevent discoloration of the building, maintenance cost for the museum can be saved. The museum is where the oldest metal types were printed, so the project is underway considering its cultural importance and uniqueness. As one of valuable cultural facilities of Cheongju City, it will be transformed to become a museum which has great artistic value and formative beauty to greet the visitors. A staff of the museum mentions that through many projects that are being performed this year, Cheongju Early Printing Museum will play its role as the best public museum of Cheongju City and as a cultural resources of the region, and it will ramp up its efforts to spread positive effects on the local economy.

▶ Inquiries: Jikji Business Team,
Operation Business Division (☎043-201-4281)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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