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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju City is Building a Integrated City Hall Building with Its Citizens
Writer City Hall Construction Team, Apartment Housing Division
Subject - Citizens’ Suggestions (Ideas) Contest from March 13 to June 20 –

Cheongju City is receiving various opinions from its citizens on constructing its city hall building.

The city is holding a citizens’ suggestions (idea) contest from March 13 to June 20 to build a creative and symbolic integrated city hall building through empathy and communication with the citizens before establishing a specific building plan for the integrated city hall building.

The subjects of the contest are as follows: ▶ Tangible & Intangible Items to Secure Symbolism of Autonomous Integration ▶ Creation of Citizens’ Space for Communication and Its Utilization Plan ▶ Introduction Methods of Cultural & Arts Elements Befitting the Life Culture City ▶ Methods of Using the Old Downtown in Connection with the Construction of the City Hall Building, and ▶ other creative opinions related to the construction of the city hall building.

Any citizen residing in Cheongju can participate in this contest by applying via the city’s website fax, visiting in person, or mail.

Final selections will be made on collected ideas after going through the 1st working level evaluation and the 2nd expert evaluation. The selected excellent ideas will be announced at the Cheongju City website near the end of August.

The awards that will be given are as follows: gold prize (1 person): KRW 2 million, silver prize (1 person): KRW 1 million, bronze prize (1 person): KRW 500,000, encouragement prize (2 people): KRW 300,000 each, and effort prize (5 people): KRW 100,000 each.

A city official said, “As the integrated city hall building holds the historical value of the biggest scale construction after the initiation of integrated Cheongju City, we will give our best efforts to make it an open city hall that fits the image of core city in the central region by communicating with the citizens and having them participate in the city administration from the planning stage through this contest.”

Meanwhile, the new city hall building is a complex government office building which will be completed in the first half of 2022, in the north-south direction centered on the current city hall building located at Jungang-dong, from
Cheong Seok Academic Foundation to the NongHyup Chungbuk Headquarters, in the expanded construction site of 28,450㎡ and total floor area of 49,916㎡. It will be composed of 22,319㎡ of office space, 6,597㎡ of Municipal Assembly, 18,300㎡ of underground parking lot, and 2,700㎡ of convenience facilities for the citizens.

▶ Inquiries:
City Hall Construction Team, Apartment Housing Division (☎201-2571)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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