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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Meeting East Asia cultural city, with one single book
Writer Department of Culture and Art
Subject Meeting East Asia cultural city, with one single book
- Vivid introduction of the trace of Cheongju, the 2015 East Asia cultural city -

Cheongju city published a book that featured the remarkable activities of the 2015 East Asia Cultural City.

The city published a book titled "Big Chorus of life" about the trace and various activities of the 2015 East Asia Cultural City, which was co-held with Nigata in Japan and Chingdao in China.

The book introduces the events composed of 65 sessions, from the ceremony held in Yokohama city in Japan in November 2014 in which the plaque for being selected as East Asia cultural city was delivered by the council of ministers of culture in Korea, China, and Japan, to the closing ceremony which was held last month.

It contained the achievements through connected cooperation and local events such as Cheongju Art Festival, Cheongju Folk Art Festival, King Sejong, and Chojeong mineral water festival as well as the official events such as the opening ceremony, culture week, chopstick festival and the closing ceremony.

Also, it introduces the pictures and the contents of the East Asia Creation School and the exchange project of art groups, children, teenagers, and civil clubs.

Especially, it does not simply report things but contains the project contents, data of pictures, main achievement, and future tasks to help the citizens who participated in the East Asia cultural city project to pursue their dream for the new cultural exchange.

The cover is designed featuring "Hwangmaek (Yellow Barley)" by the barley artist Youngdae Park, adding value to Cheongju, a life cultural city.

The city is planning to conduct exchange project of East Asia cultural city in collaboration with Chingdao and Nigata this year again, and continue to do cultural exchange with 2014 cultural cities (Gwangju Metropolitan City, Quanzhou city in China, Yokohama city in Japan) and 2016 cultural cities (Jeju Special Self-governing Province, Ningbo City in China, and Nara City in Japan).

▶ Contact: Culture and art team, Department of culture and art (☎201-2012)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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