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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Chugwon life rice opens the door of China with orgaic rice
Writer Department of horticulture distribution
Subject Cheongwon life rice opens the door of China with organic rice
= Shipping 12 tons for the first time to keep pace with the rice import opening of China

Cheongwon Life Rice, the joint brand of Cheongju City agricultural specialty products, opened the way for export with germinated brown rice, which is the functional rice, in the first year of rice import opening in China.

The Chungwon Life Rice germinated gemmule rice is functional rice of which the gemmule makes up 66%.

The nutrition composition of general rice is only 5% for the white rice, taking in the minimum nutrition.

The amount of export is a total of 80 tons for 486,000,000 won, including Cheongwon Life Rice organic, germinated and baked brown rice, gemmule powder gold, and Cheongwon Life Rice gemmule. We are planning to export 12 tons for the first one through Pyeongtaek port.

Meanwhile, the city wrote the export contract in cooperation with the city mayor of Cheongju, Gujindang (Director Duyeonyeon), the import company, and Cheongwon Life Agricultural Cooperation Rice Joint Business Corporate (Director Bumro Lee) and made the business contract, opening the way for export to China.

Gujindang (Director Duyeonyeon), an import company, is a distribution company located in Wuhan City in China, which provides environmentally-friendly agricultural products and functional food and is running a membership system.

Cheongwon Life RIce, the representative high-end brand rice in Korea, has won Love Me award 8 times for the high-quality brand rice selected by consumers nationwide and LOHAS certification of Korean Standars Association(KSA) 9 times in a row.

The people concerned in the city are expecting to earn more than 10 billion won of sales by the end of this year by making detailed monthly plans, joining the food exposition held in China, and having buyer consultation.

The rice produced in the Cheongju area is starting to make inroads into the world with Kwangbok Agricultural Union Corporate (Naesu-eup, Cheongju city), which was registered as a processing factory for the rice export to China on the 29th, exporting 5 tons of Jinsu rice.

▶ Contact : Cheongwon Life Marketing Team, Department of Horticulture Distribution (☎043-201-2221)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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