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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Chungju-si, "very good greeting" the installation of the automation system of the taxi fare.
Writer Public Transport Division
Subject Chungju-si, "very good greeting" the installation of the automation system of the taxi fare.
- Installation of Automatic detection equipment (GPS) of the extra charge area on 4.144 cars -

Chungju-si receives a warm greeting from the transport sector and citizens through the operation of automatic detection equipment of extra charges, for the first time in the country, and the reorganization of taxi fares in regions of Commons from 1st of July.

Automatic detection equipment (GPS) is a program that automatically calculates taxi fares during the service in the extra-charge area or at night (00: 00 ~ 04: 00), by coupling the taxi meter and the GPS.

Chungju-si had received many complaints by its complicated price system as complex additional costs, the additional costs out of town or extra fees of the night, by the unification of the former operating areas of Chungju and Chungwon in 2002.

And the transport sector has undergone a lot of trouble by conflict on the taxi fare between the driver and the customer, by manual manipulation of the taximeter in areas of additional cost.

For this, Chungju-si installed the automatic detection equipment of additional cost on 4.144 taxis by investing 431 million won, to avoid manual manipulation of the driver.

After installation, claims that were 20 times a day have been reduced to 3 to 4 times, so this installation receives a very good greeting from the transport sector and citizens.

An official from the city unveiled "This facility will allow an increase in satisfaction with the resolution of mistrust between the citizen and the driver, and will help the development of the transport industry by the facility of a transparent payment system”.

In addition, Chungju-si amended the tariff system by lowering the rate of complex additional cost from 55% to 35% from 1 July.

Request: Public Transport Division, Taxi transportation department (201-9871)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2524

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