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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju-si, Establishing Intelligent Central Control System for CCTV
Writer Public Security Division
Subject Cheongju-si, Establishing Intelligent Central Control System for CCTV
- 300 M won will be invested by June, and 281 CCTVs adopting an intelligent control system at 100 places will be installed -

Cheongju-si will establish and install intelligent central control system for CCTVs with investing 300 M won by June.

The Central Control System for CCTVs of Cheongju-si is monitoring 1,923 CCTVs 24 hr a day by 20 monitors, shifting 12 hrs with 4 rotations. But each person needs to monitor 380 CCTVs in real time, which is a limitation for the effective monitoring.

So, the City establishes an intelligent control system which recognizes automatically particular human behaviors and the plate numbers of vehicle to overcome the limit of naked eye monitoring and to control the system quickly and efficiently.

The newly established intelligent control system will have a new imagery analysis system server and software inside the integrated control center and will apply the intelligent control solution to the 281 CCTVs in 100 places including the Children Protection Zone and parks.

Once the installing completed, when people and vehicles enter in a fixed monitoring area, rotating camera will magnify the images of particular events, such as loitering, dangerous crossing, vehicle related collision and alarm them to the center.

The monitoring agent will judge the alarmed events whether the events are real dangerous situation or not. In case an event being judged an emergency, the agent will inform the policeman nearby who will play a big role in the prevention of accidents and incidents and in resolving them.

The City will continuously expand the intelligent control system in future, improving the CCTV control system to monitor crimes, fire, and disasters.

A City Official commented "the City plans to complete the intelligent control system for CCTV by June, and will make every efforts to manage the control system to cope with the events quickly and efficiently in the vulnerable areas."

Meanwhile, the Center operates total 1,923 units of CCTVs, 1435 units for the children's safety and security, 245 units for monitoring illegal parking, and 42 units for monitoring waste illegal dumping.

▶Inquiry: Central Control System Team of Public Security Division
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2524

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