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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Foreign Advertisement Starts for Cheongju Samgyeopsal
Writer Culture and arts Division
Subject Foreign Advertisement Starts for Cheongju Samgyeopsal

- There will be presentation on Cheongju Samgyeopsal at the International Food Culture Symposium held in Nigata, Japan -

Cheongju Samgyeopsal, one of the menus representing Cheongju, will be advertized in a foreign country.

Cheongju Municipal Government announced that, at the International Food Culture Symposium held in Nigata, Japan on the 13th and 14th, Cheongju Samgyeopsal will be presented as one of the representative foods of Korea.

Nigata city was chosen as one of the 2015 East Asia Culture Cities. The city holds the International Food Culture Symposium with the theme, 'Food Culture Connects the World', and introduces foods of Cheongju, Korea, Chingdao in China as well as Nigata, Japan, and there will be events of food-trying and cultural exchanges.

Accordingly, on the part of Cheongju, Kim Sang-don, president of merchants' Association of the Seomun Traditional Market, and the owner of 'Hamjirak', restaurant in the market, will attend the event and present on historical value and manufacturing method of Cheongju Samgyeopsal, and samgyeopsal culture and health, etc. Samgyeopsal-trying event will follow suit.

It is the first time that Cheongju Samgyeopsal is advertized overseas.

They will also have inspection tours on traditional restaurants, breweries, and the Agricultural Experience Center in Nigata city, and hold cultural exchange events with representatives of two other countries.

Nigata is the region where the largest amount of rice is grown in Japan, and Nigata rice is known to be the most delicious. With sea and river, the city is the city of mixture of rural and urban lives, and various foods have been developed.

"Since samgyeopsal is favored by the Chinese and the Japanese, in this symposium, we plan to notify people in East Asia of Cheongju Samgyeopsal in full extent, and we will continue to publicize it in foreign countries," a government official said. "Especially, we will try to make foreigners, when they visit Cheongju, seek samgyeopsal as the menu representing Cheongju."

▶ Contact: Planning and Publicity Team, East Asia Culture City Cheongju Office (☎201-2018)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2524

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