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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheonju Promotes Urban Green Spaces
Writer Park construction Department
Subject Cheonju Promotes Urban Green Spaces

- Cheongju city government spends 4.6 billion won in constructing urban wood and greening small pieces of land in residential areas -

The Cheongju Municipal Government leads promoting green spaces where urban citizens can easily access, enjoy, and experience nature.

The municipal government plans to focus on implementing following projects, by investing 4.6 billion won: ▶ Construction of Bio-City Cheongju, ▶ Greening of small pieces of land and construction of custom-made picnic areas, ▶ Urban greening of grey structures, ▶ Construction of 'Sharing Wood' for socially weak class, ▶ Building of citizen-participating urban scenery.

The money invested in each project is as follows: ▶ 1.3 billion won for 'Urban Wodd', ▶ 0.4 billion won for 'Good-Quality Street with Trees', ▶ 0.1 billion won for 'Making Schools into Parks', ▶ 0.8 billion won for construction of 'Belt-shaped Green lands' and for other projects residents have long wanted, ▶ 0.2 billion won for 'Greening of Small Pieces of Land', ▶ 0.2 billion won for 'Picnic Areas', ▶ 0.1 billion won for 'Rooftop Greening', ▶ 0.66 billion won for 'Sharing Wodd'.

Especially, the city government plans to focus on constructing a green environmental city where nature and people can exist harmoniously.

□ Construction of Bio-City Cheongju by building green spaces in daily life
The government invest 1.3 billion won to expand green lands and make comfortable urban environment by planting green-color trees and wild flowers in Goeun Samgeori, Namil-myeon, Sangdang-gu; Sudae Goge, Nami-myeon, Seowon-gu; Yangcheong-ri, Ochang-eup, Cheongwon-gu.

The government invest 0.4 billion won to innovate the street with sycamore trees in Heongdeok-gu, 4.0㎞ from Jukcheon Bridge to Cheongju IC. It will remove old and dead sycamore trees, and plant bush and wild flowers.

For the project of 'Making School into Park', the government will spend 100 million won to regenerate the old building and space of Ilsin Girls' High School into a wood for residents.

In addition, the government spends more than 800 million won for the following projects: change of night scenery lighting on Seomoon Bridge, Cheongju; construction of promenade in Jungmoon area of Chungbuk University and a small-size park in residential site in Gaesin-dong; construction of green land in the Ochang Scientific and Industrial Complex; construction of belt-type green land, and implementing of small-size projects residents have long wanted.

□ Greening of small pieces of land in residential areas and construction of custom-made picnic areas
The government plans to invest 200 million won in 30 projects such as planting green-color trees and wild flowers in small pieces of land in residential areas and building of small-scale convenience facilities like chairs.

In addition, by investing 00 million won, it plans to construct rest areas in rural villages by building pavilions and benches in empty areas.

□ Greening of rooftops and grey structures
By investing 100 million won, the government plans to plant wild flowers and bushes like Korean azalea on one of the municipal government buildings, and support up to 70% for the planting of beautifying trees and building of other facilities of residents.

In addition, with 120 million won, the government plans to green various walls by planting creepers like ivy and american ivy on grey structures in urban areas like concrete breast walls, sound-proof walls, hill cuts, and house walls, etc.

□ construction of Sharing Wood for social and economic weak class
With 660 million won, the government plans to renovate promenades and construct rest areas in the Cheongju Elderly Center and the Cheongaewon designed to provide people who are socially and economically lower with spaces of revitalizing their life.

□ Citizen-participating urban greening
To lead citizens to beatify spaces left unmanaged near their houses and villages, the governement promotes the guerilla gardening campaign. It also plans to actively celebrate Tree-Plant Day and promote campaigns of tree-sharing and planting 1004 trees.

A government official related with such campaigns said, "By constructing green spaces in urban areas, we plan to cultivate Cheongju as a bio-city with citizens as well as expanding green land spaces by constructing various green spaces."

▶ Contact: Green Land Team, Park construction Department (☎ 201-4426)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2524

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