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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju Announced Its Ten Performances in 2014
Writer Policy Planning Department
Subject Cheongju Announced Its Ten Performances in 2014

- The Launching of Integrated Cheongju and Its Biggest Performances -

On the 19th, the Cheongju Municipal Government chose and announced the top 10 performances all the citizens of Cheongju cooperated in promoting.

The top 10 performances the city government selected are the followings: ▲ Successful launching of the integrated Cheongju City ▲ Securing the largest amount of funds from the national government including the cost of preparing the basis of autonomous integration 50 billion won ▲ Selected as the 2015 East Asia Cultural City ▲ Promoting in full scale the project of leading economy-based urban regeneration ▲ Invitation of nine companies in the sixth democratically elected government ▲ Renovation of old paths in and around the Sangdangsan fortress ▲ Winning of domestic and foreign games of the Job Sports Game Team ▲ Successful holding of Cheongwon Bio Festival ▲ Cheongwon Bio Rice winning LOHAS certification ▲ Restarting of the housing environment improvement project on the Mochung 2 District.

The municipal government selected 'the launching of the integrated Cheongju City and smooth development' as the No. 1 performance this year.

The case of Cheongju City which achieved residents' autonomous integration has got the national attention as the model for integration of administrative districts. Especially, mayor Lee Seung-hoon of the 6th democratically elected government has led safe cruise of the integrated city without serious conflicts between residents of old districts.

Before the integration process was over, the city government, with the spirit of mutual development, had successfully completed important issues such as decision of the names of four districts and selection of locations where four district office buildings will be located, and so on.

After completing integration process, the city government has made the performance of mutual development ideas the first priority, and has smoothly pursued harmonious relationship of residents and rural-urban balanced development policies.

The fact that the city government received the biggest funds from the national government including 50 billion won as seed money to build the integrated municipal government building was also chosen as one of the top ten performances.

By securing funds of 596.3 billion won from the national government, 22% more than 488.2 billion won it secured last year, the city government prepared the basis on which it can take off as the core city in the middle region of Korea.

The fact that the big projects city government applied for the national contests had been accepted was also included in the top 10 list.

The city government accomplished a splendid feat of winning the approval from the national government on its project of leading economy-based urban regeneration, and received 25 billion won for the project. By investing 138 billion won including the 25 billion won mentioned before, it plans to renovate the area of previous Cigarette Manufacturing Plant as the Creative Economy-centered District.

And, last month, Cheongju was honorably selected as the 2015 East Asia Culture City representing Korea, China and Japan. Next year, Cheongju, together with corresponding cities in China and Japan, will hold various cultural events.

The achievement of inviting nine companies and 907.1 billion won investment of mayor Lee Seung-hun based on the launching of investment-attracting advisors group New-Cheongju Economy Management Program and policies to activate small and local medium-sized enterprises was evaluated as giving momentum for realizing 'the NO One Economy, Top Cheongju'.

The Bio Festival held as the first festival after the integration of cities attracted 530 thousand visitors, and recorded sails of agricultural products to 4.7 billion, keeping its reputation of the biggest eco-friendly agri-livestock festival in Korea.

The workplace sports team in the Cheongju Municipal Government won 409 medals in various sports contests this year. Lim U-jin and Choi Bo-min in Western archery and Park Jin-ho in gun-shooting have enhanced the status of Cheongju by setting world records.

Besides, the city, by constructing three theme roads, the Healing road, the Recovery Road, the Trace Road on the old paths in Sangdangsan Fortress, provided residents with good-quality roads. Cheongwon Bio-rice have been recognized as the best rice in Korea by winning the ROHAS certification for eight consecutive years.

The project of housing environment renovation in the Mochung 2 District, the only such project in Korea, was also chosen as major performance to upgrade the regional image.

"Top Ten List was decided considering comprehensively residents welfare, income creation, resident participation as well as municipal development," a city official mentioned. "Based on such achievements, we will establish policies suggesting visions for the future to citizens, and prepare the basis on which Cheongju can develop as the core city in the middle region of Korea."

Meanwhile, the Top Ten List was finally chosen through evaluations of related government officials and policy meetings and staff meetings based on 57 performances submitted by various departments.

▶ Contact: Policy Planning Team, Policy Planning Department (☎201-1211)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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