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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title he City of Cheongju accelerates the building of convenient road network
Writer Road Facilities Division
Subject The City of Cheongju accelerates the building of convenient road network
- Promoting 19 projects with the total cost of 63.1 billion won -

The City of Cheongju is accelerating to build the convenient road network for solving the urban traffic congestion and preparing for the metropolitan city in the central region.

With a total of 25 road development projects, 19 projects are being promoted with the cost of 63.1 billion won this year and the remaining 6 projects will be promoted next year considering the allocated budget.

▲Early completion of the 3rd bypass road in CheongjuFirst, the 3rd bypass road of Cheongju was made for distributed processing of metropolitan traffic in Cheongju with an investment of 929.9 billion won that connects the outer regions(Namil-myun Hyochon-ri ~ Heungduk-gu Hueam-dong~Chungwon-gu Odong-dong~Naesu-eup Gusung-ri~Namil-myun Hyochon-ri) of Cheongju in ring-road type with a total length of 42.35km. This road plays a pivotal role in Cheongju.

The 1st section Hyochon~Hueam which was started in March 6th of 2001 was completed last January with a total length of 11.4km.

The 2nd section Hueam~Odong with a length of 13.33km has completed 74% and the sections between the Gangsanchon(Hueam) ~ Gangseo intersection(3.5km) will be first opened towards end of this year and before September of 2016, the entire section is planned to be opened which is expected to bypass/distribute the traffics of northern region.

The 3rd section Odong ~Gusung with a length of 4.02km was opened May of 2011 and currently used by the public.

The 4th section is the project that connects Gusung to Hyochon with a length of 13.60km and currently from Gusung to Mookbang(1.35km) has completed 72% with the goal of full completion by end of this year. Mookbang~Hyochon section with a length of 12.25km is expected to be completed by the 2020.

And once the construction for the 3rd bypass road is completed, it will not only relieve the traffic congestion but it will contribute to the balancing of regional development and once again it is likely to be a leaping opportunity of development for Cheongju City.

▲Building flexible road that connects the city and the ruralCheongju Station ~ Oksan road expansion project was started last December where the 2.1km distance from Heungduk-gu Shinchon-dong Metropolitan landfill to Osong connecting road costed 62 billion won. It will expand the existing 2 lanes to 4 lanes with stereograming of railroad crossing to prevent the cars from stopping.

With the project cost of 3.9 billion won this year, they are currently progressing on the compensation with 5% completion rate. It is expected to be completed in 2017 after the demolition of houses, excavation of cultural properties and relocation of railroad obstacles.

Sansung~Nansung road expansion project costing 97.3 billion won will be expanding the roads between Sansung~Moosung and Gwangsung~Imok within the 10.7km section from Sangdang-gu Sansung-dong to Nansung-myun.

Currently, they are progressing on the compensation between the sections of Sansung~Moosung with 1.2 billion won this year with a goal of completing the Sansung~Moosung section by December of 2016 and Gwansung~Imok section by 2019.

▲Efforts to expand the road network within the cityThe road construction project for Gangseo residential district ~ Sukgok intersection costs 30 billion won for the length of 1.99km from Heungduk-gu Gangseo-dong residential district to Sukgok intersection.

Currently, they are progressing on the compensation with the budget of 3.4 billion won and the construction will commence next year and will be completed by 2016. It is expected to relieve the traffic between Gangseo district to Saejong.

The road construction project for Sangdang Park ~ Myungam-ro costs 33.4 billion won for the length of 1.55km including 160m of tunnel which will connect Sangdang-gu Soodong to Yongdam-dong.

This year, they are planning on the compensation and drilling the tunnel with the budget of 4.1 billion won and with the current progress of 61%, it is expected to be completed by December of next year.

The 2nd circulation road construction for West Cheongju Bridge ~ Songjeol Intersection will cost 44.2 billion won for the length of 1.88km that connects Heungduk-gu Biha-dong to Songjeol-dong, and currently they are progressing on the compensation with the budget of 10 billion won. The construction will begin next year and will be completed by 2017.

In addition to these, other projects such as Art College ~ Yulryang 2nd district 0.62km, Dukchun-bridge~Saeteo Elementary 0.43km, Jukrim-dong Hana Elderly Hospital~ the 3rd bypass road 0.7km and Yulryang intersection improvement construction of 0.6km are underway.

In addition, from the total of 25 road projects being promoted by the city, there are 8 public pledged projects and 17 pending projects.

The city official said "with the launch of integrated Cheongju city, we are putting all collective efforts in order to build the road network within the cities, connecting city and rural areas and for the completion of the 3rd bypass road", and also said "the road projects promoted by the city will induce the traffic flow of convenience as well as relieving the traffic congestion leading to the reduction in logistics cost, and it will contribute greatly to the building of number one economy and the best Cheongju.

"▶Inquiry: Road Facilities Division, Road Administration Team(☎201-2761)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2524

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