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Cheongju City



Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Chengju will invite power bloggers for a familiarization tour(Fam tour)
Writer Information office
Subject Chengju will invite power bloggers for a familiarization tour(Fam tour)
- Will introduce Chengju's cultural tourism resources such as "Chopstick festival 2015 Chengju" to the nation

City of Chengju will invite power bloggers for an overnight fam tour from 11th to 12th.

In order to publicize Chengju after constituting integrated Chengju city, the city has hosted fam tour last September, and this is the second time.

20 power bloggers including travel writers who visited Chengju on 11th participated in "chopsticks festival" contest and special exhibition held in Chengju Arts Center while sketching out the lively site.

One of the bloggers who participated in the tour said "It is very unique idea of Chengju for holding a contest, exhibition, performance and experience event using "chopsticks" which is very close to our daily life." and also mentioned " Chengju has a potential for growing in cultural way.".

After covering the chopsticks festival, the fam tour members will visit Suamgol village and house of Unbo, stay at Eoam-ri, Miwon-myeon. On second day, they plan to visit Chengwon biotech brand farm house, Seongan-gil, Iron Flagpole of Yongdusa Temple Site, Yukgeori Market and other places for publication of Chengju.

After their schedule, they will publicize what they saw and experienced in the tour in their own personal blogs online, which the city expects to have an influence on branding of Chengju.

On the 1st fam tour, power bloggers posted overall 132 posts on their personal blogs about craft biennale, Sangdang Fortress, Seomun Market pork belly street, and these posts had about 290 thousands page view, 1691 reviews and 3143 likes.

▶inquiry: Information office promotion team(☎201-1061)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 경제정책과
  • 담당자 : 박용재
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-1025

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