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Title Smooth restoration works for the metal print blocks of Jikji
Writer Smooth restoration works for the metal print blocks of Jikji
Subject Smooth restoration works for the metal print blocks of Jikji
- Restoration of version 19 of the first volume to be completed by end of this year -

The restoration of Jikji, the world’s oldest metal print type is being implemented smoothly. The city of Cheongju has been implementing this project since 2011 with a timeframe of five years that spans until 2015. At present, version 19 of the first volume is being worked on. Jikji was originally published in two volumes by the Heungdeoksa Temple in Cheongju in 1377, but at present only Chapters 2 to 39 are preserved at the national library in France.

The restoration project started with volume 2 which exists in physical form. At present all 39 chapters of volume 2, including chapter 1 that had been lost, have been fully restored. Chapters 1 through 6, whose only existing form was in wooden print block, were restored last year. This year’s plan is to restore the 19 versions from chapter 7 to 25 of volume 1.
The restoration is being carried out by Im Inho, who has been designated as an intangible national treasure number 101, using beeswax molding methods. For volume 1 which does not have the original copy in existence, the restoration will be carried out by referencing the wooden print version of Jikji that had been published in 1378 by Chweeamsa Temple in Yeoju. For the fonts, the fonts from the second volume, or the ‘Jabi Doryang Chambeop Jiphae’ which is known to have used the same font as Jikji, are used for reference.
Letters that can still not be confirmed based on these two reference materials will be restored by combining letters from volume 2, to restore it as closely as possible to the original volume. The restoration of the rest of chapter 39 in volume 1 is scheduled for next year, with all 78 chapters of volume 1 and 2 to be completely restored by the end of next year.
Officials from the Ancient Print Museum noted that they “expect the restored Jikji to promote pride among the citizens of Cheongju, the very birthplace of Jikji.”

▶Inquiry : Academics team, Academics research lab at Ancient Print Museum(☎201-4296)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 경제정책과
  • 담당자 : 박용재
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-1025

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