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Cheongju City



Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title World Agricultural Technology Grand Prize awarded to Cheongju City
Writer Department of Support Planning
Subject Department: Department of Support Planning
World Agricultural Technology Grand Prize awarded to Cheongju City
-Grand prize in the category for organizations

Cheongju City’s Agricultural Technology Center was awarded the grand prize for the 20th World Agricultural Technology Award.

The Award, one of the most authoritative in the field of agriculture, is hosted by the Korea Office of Agriculture Promotion and Segye Daily Newspaper to promote scientific agricultural technologies, agricultural business management techniques, and environment-friendly agriculture. It selects farmers or organizations that have made a mark in the field.

Cheongju City’s Agricultural Technology Center was applauded in the first stage review of documents and the second stage review of on-site assessment for its contribution to reducing agricultural business management costs in family farms through its project of leasing agricultural tools and the production of micro-organisms that can be used in farming.

It was also evaluated to have contributed to the competitiveness of the agricultural industry and co-development of urban and agricultural areas through future-oriented research and pilot projects to upgrade major agricultural products from the region.

Head of the Cheongju City’s Agricultural Technology Center, Yun Myeong Hyeok noted that “on the occasion of being awarded this prize, we will be launching a new guidance project that we expect to instill more vibrancy in our agriculture. All our employees will be doing our best to promote agricultural business that is both profitable and helpful for the local economy.”
Meanwhile, the award ceremony is expected to be held at the international conference hall of Korea Press Center this coming 12th.

Inquiry: Guidance Planning Team, Department of Support Planning, Cheongju City’s Agricultural Technology Center (Tel.201-3811)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 경제정책과
  • 담당자 : 박용재
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-1025

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